Our ShowsBesides "Drytown", "Five Kings and A Mother" was originally staged in August of 2007 and brought back for The Reprise in June 2009.
The comedy "Girls of the Garden Club" went to stage in June 2016. Since 2016--the company has been focused on "Venusville", the internet radio podcast. Most of our company are working people who love theatre and film. Our rehearsals tend to be about six months in duration since schedules are usually busy and a variety of other needs such as line runs, character building, set creation and production consulting also become part of the mix. Our cast ages are between 30 and have been right up to the 70s though "Drytown" did include two young students. |
Beginning Rehearsals
"Five Kings and A Mother" began rehearsals in February 2007 with an almost completely novice cast. Here, they get to experience the start of a show where they start "on book".
Within one month, a community theatre veteran would join the cast.
Within one month, a community theatre veteran would join the cast.